Our history

Welcome to Emotif, the brand that transforms emotions into clothes.

This is the story of an exciting adventure where each seam, each pattern, and each color is carefully designed to express the emotions that make our soul vibrate.

Our creations are living metaphors for the emotions that are an integral part of human life.
Whether you're the type to shout your love for life from the rooftops or express your thoughts in a more discreet way, we have an Emotive garment that will speak to you on a deep level.

Our mission is to help you share your emotions with the world, create authentic connections with the people who cross your path, and celebrate the richness of the human experience through the universal language of fashion.

So, whether you are looking for excitement, inspiration, comfort or contemplation, Emotif is here for you. Dive into our collection of unique clothing and let your style speak for you.

We are part of an ecological approach with recycled fabrics while offering you impeccable quality with the GOTS and Eve Vegan labels. No more plastic, all our packaging is made from recycled cardboard for responsible fashion.

Join us on this emotional journey, because we believe that every garment is much more than just a fabric. It is a story, an emotion, and an invitation to share your inner world with the outside world.

Explore, discover and let yourself be carried away by the magic of emotions at Emotif. We hope our clothes become a part of your personal story, because after all, life is too short not to express yourself fully!

Thanks for being here with us, and don't forget to stay tuned for more emotional creations to come.